About Us


Background & History


Regional Business Advisory Centre Limited (RBAC), a wholly Kenyan owned private limited liability company registered in the republic of Kenya was founded by Leonard L. Mwangola. His vast corporate experience at the apex of a number of large corporations enabled him to identify management challenges facing organisations in achieving their maximum potential, and the performance gaps that need to be addressed to bring efficiency and effectiveness in their operations.

For organisations to succeed within the turbulent and today’s complex business environment they need to promptly respond to new challenges and opportunities that are constantly being churned out by changes and technologies and legislation among others. They therefore require informed and responsive professional service advisers and consultants offering comprehensive range of services to help them prudently navigate through these challenges and opportunities.

RBAC focuses on provision of professional business advisory and other consultancy services within the wider East African region. It has a comprehensive range of services covering areas of Corporate Governance investment advisory financial advisory including Taxation and Accountancy Port Operations and Management, Custom and Excise Transport and Logistics Feasibility Studies, Environmental Assessments and Audits, Natural Resources Management, Human Resources including Occupational Health and Safety, Strategy Development and Implementation and lastly Restructuring of corporates and county government departments among others. 


Our team comprises of diverse professionals combining proven leadership capacity strong educational credentials and extensive experience gained from key industry sectors.

Written by:-

Brian A. Oyolo


The company’s mission is to provide the best business advisory and consultancy services the add value to our clients business and support the realisation of their corporate goals and objectives.



To become the premier and preferred regional and business advisory partner and foster growth and prosperity for our clients and the region.

Value statement

The core values that constitute key pillars to the success & endearment of RBAC are as hereunder:

  • Commitment to our clients;
  • Partnership and mutual respect;
  • Delivery of value to their business;
  • Exceptional customer service and satisfaction;
  • Honesty and Integrity;
  • Proactive and open communication;
  • Pride and fulfilment in our work.

Key success factors

 Ensure that the customers needs are met and maintain a 90% customer

 retention ratio.

  •  Ensure our client achieve and practice disciplined organic growth in their revenues growth path.
  •  Ensuring we have the very best quality service that our customers require.
  •  Ensure a 99 % reliability on the services we offer.

Our Directors

Leonard J. Mwangola  S.S.- Chairman 


  • A. Hons (Port Management) Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.
  • Chartered Secretary of the United Kingdom, Certified Public Secretary of Kenya,
  • Certified Director of the Commonwealth
  • Association for Corporate Governance,
  • Associate member of Kenya institute of Management.

Leonard (Lenny) is a highly trained, experienced and seasoned technocrat and businessman who has managed key parastatals in Kenya and beyond. He was formerly the Managing Director of the Kenya Ports Authority,(KPA) and immediately thereafter served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). He is currently the sitting Chairman of  the Board of Directors of RABC and other private companies.

Brian Abuli Oyolo



  • Certified Public Accountant of Kenya, CPA(K).
  • Tax Administartor

Brian has worked in Swift Commodities Ltd, and Ausken Trading Ltd as an Accountant. This has acquired him valuable experience in production of timely & accurate accounting records and  internal tax compliance issues. 

Vincent  Kayanda


  • A.(Economics & Government) – University of Nairobi;
  • MSc (Human Resource Management) – University of Manchester.
  • Diploma in Training Management – Institute of Training and Development (ITD) – UK
  • Diploma in Maritime Studies (Distinction) – University of Wales Institute of Science and
  • Technology (UWIST)/ Bandari College

Vincent has a wide wealth of knowledge in HR matters and has the requisite training and expertise acquired over the years. He has taken up Senior personnel & Human resources manager positions in Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) including consulting roles for special assignments for restructuring the human resources department.


Cuthbert  Mcharo Idawo 

 Environmental Consultant


  • PhD, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’
  • in Biology (Botany/Zoology) University of Nairobi
  • UNEP / UNESCO Diploma in Environmental Management for Developing Countries.

Technical University of Dresden, Germany 

  • Familiarization with modern approaches Environment Information Systems (EIS) facility management and advanced GIS applications, GRID-Sioux Falls / Eros Data Centre, U.S.A

Cuthbert has worked a researcher and consultant for the Development of a National Wetlands Conservation and Management Policy. He has also worked on environmental advocacy, natural resource utilization and environmental conservation. He has also worked as a Director, ReGreen Eco-Solutions Ltd conducting Project assessment and review for environmental compliance / Environmental Impact Assessment.


Mwanasiti Mohamed Bendera Commercial Manager

  • Chemical Ecology – Chemistry , JKUAT 2017
  • Sc. Natural Products Chemistry, Egerton University


A Member of Global Projections International (GPI) – Member of the Global Projections Consultancy Services (GPCS), a branch of GPI, Kenya (January 2014 – Current). Areas of expertise include Project Planning, Design and Development ,Feasibility Studies and Project Appraisals
,Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit (EIA/A), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Water Resources Development, Waste Management, Project Monitoring and Evaluation.